
Oust The Idiot

I've been spending waaaay too much watching stuff at iFilm.com lately. This latest nugget just reinforces the sad fact that we have to get George W. Bush out of office. Check out Bush's speech here [video] and if you can't view it, read on, thanks to The Register:

Reporter Mark Trahant asks Bush, "Mr. President you have been a governor and a president, so you have unique experience looking at (tribal sovereignty) from two directions. What do you think tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century?"

Here Bush gets very literal.

"Yeah. Uh, tribal sovereignty means that - it's sovereign. You are a . . . you have been given sovereignty, and you are viewed as a sovereign entity."

The laughter begins.

"And, therefore, the relationship between the federal government and the tribes is one between sovereign entities."

Even funnier is Jesse Jackson's response:

"The president explained (tribal sovereignty), you just didn't understand. Sovereignty is sovereignty. You understand? It's like in sovereignenity. If you are on a reservation, you have been soverized."

Comments like this only make America look stupider. People, we have one week. Get out and get things done. It looks good so far, but we've lots of work to do. Especially if you're in Ohio or Pennsylvania...
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